by Rick | Nov 24, 2022 | Blog, Grandpa Harry Stories, Inspirational
The golden glow of the early morning sun slowly filled the cabin as Harry creaked back and forth in his rocker on the wooden floor. Chauncey, his golden lab, snored on his bed by the crackling fire, curled up on an old sweatshirt Ethan left on his last visit. He...
by Rick | Nov 27, 2020 | Blog, Grandpa Harry Stories, Inspirational
Harry grabbed a leather glove to open the firebox on the wood cook stove. He poked the embers into an even arrangement, then threw bacon into the cast iron skillet. He had begun each day frying bacon and eggs on this same stove a for the last 60 years since the first...
by Rick | Apr 5, 2020 | Blog, Grandpa Harry Stories, Inspirational
Grandpa Harry and The Victory Garden The old wooden rocker creaked on the log cabin’s front porch as Harry gazed out over the fresh cut grass and flowers kissed by the early spring dew. Robins bounced along, looking for worms; bees darted in and out of the flowers;...