Customer Service on Steroids

Customer Service on Steroids

There is good customer service then there is customer service on steroids. Let me tell you a story about the latter. I ordered a package to be delivered on a certain day before I left town the following day for travel but was nervous about receiving it because it...
10 Lessons I’m Glad My Father Taught Me

10 Lessons I’m Glad My Father Taught Me

My Dad has been gone for more than 30  years, but the lessons he taught me my first 26 years have guided me through life. Here are 10 lessons he taught me: Faith is more important than religion – My Dad was hungry to know God and to interpret all of the...
Farmers: People who Make America Great

Farmers: People who Make America Great

America was founded by farmers and I vote we turn it back over to them as soon as possible. I’d be happy to vote for a guy or gal in Levi’s and a Stetson or bib overalls compared to a greasy politician. The vast majority of the new arrivals to early...