There is good customer service then there is customer service on steroids. Let me tell you a story about the latter.
I ordered a package to be delivered on a certain day before I left town the following day for travel but was nervous about receiving it because it required a signature. Although the shipper wrote, “No Signature Required,” I contacted the mail carrier, Dana Wiseman, to give her a heads-up. She, in turn, contacted the normal Saturday-route person, Jessica Licklider, to inform her that, if I wasn’t home, it was okay to drop the package off without a signature.
I really needed the package to arrive on the day it was guaranteed.
Saturday morning, our local Postmaster, Eva Emmons, called to say that the expected package had not arrived. It had a tracking number and we discovered it was in the Post Office general mail facility in Wichita, some 45 miles away.
Eva called her supervisor, Darren Berryman, in El Dorado which is in the opposite direction of Wichita. We were trying to determine ways that we could drive to Wichita, or have my son who lives there, retrieve the package for me.
There were several phone calls made and, I admit, I was a bit grumpy because what good is paying for guaranteed delivery if the guarantee is no good.
Then I received a phone call that Darren was personally going to drive to Wichita to retrieve the package for me, then hand-deliver it to my home in Potwin. That’s well over 100+ miles he drove in his own vehicle to ensure my package arrived as promised.
In a day when you can barely talk to a human on the phone without punching a zillion buttons, it was so refreshing to be served so well. Dana, Eva, Jessica and Darren were all concerned enough to go to the extra efforts to fulfill the promised made by the company for whom they work, the United States Post Office.
Now, that’s customer service on steroids!
They are my new huggable heroes.