Santiago: The Man Who Taught Me to Hate Charity

Santiago: The Man Who Taught Me to Hate Charity

I met Santiago in a rural village of Nicaragua. He was the kind of person whose smile unlocks a part of your heart and wanders in without any formal invitation. Yet when he gets there, it feels like he’s home and has belonged there all the time. Villagers there have a...

My Most Huggable Hero: Christine McNary

My Most Huggable Hero: Christine McNary

I was scanning through my list of huggable heroes I want to write about and it occurred to me that the most inspirational person I know wasn’t on the list; Christine McNary, my wife. She sees things in me I’ve never seen but have always wanted to be true. She knows...

Ambassador Tony Hall: A Hero You Can Hug

Ambassador Tony Hall: A Hero You Can Hug

To get cell phone reception in my Smalltown, USA, I have to hang out the window with my right ear pointed north, my left foot pointed south, and my head tilted in alignment with the axis of the earth. So imagine my surprise when I had five full bars on my phone in the...

The Healing Power of Writing

The Healing Power of Writing

The power of life or death is in the tongue.- Proverbs 18:21  A man walked into my office recently and saw a picture of my wife and me on my desk.  He picked it up, looked at her, looked at me, looked back at her, then looked at me and said, “Good Lord, man, is she...

Heroes You Can Hug: Floyd and Kathy Hammer

Heroes You Can Hug: Floyd and Kathy Hammer

I’m pretty picky about my heroes. Tights and capes don’t impress me much.  Multi-million dollar movie stars or athletes are okay for some, but not for me. I’ve never watched Survivor. Ever. I prefer my heroes to be real people I can hug every once in a while. I’d like...