Starting today for the next 3 days you can get the Kindle version of the Hunger Bites for FREE on Amazon.

 This is my first book and I want to know what you think.  I’m like a little kid who hands his crayon drawing to a parent or teacher hoping to elicit a positive response and constructive criticism.

 As a public speaker for nearly 3 decades, I have learned to sharpen my skills by observing the audience’s reaction.  However, as a writer, the only way to improve is from an honest review from the reader. I want to improve my writing and your review will help.

Can you help me?

Therefore, I’d like to ask a favor: would you please review my book on Amazon when you’re finished?  My first reason is because I want to know what you think. My second reason is because the more reviews this book receives, the more it will be marketed on Amazon.

If you do, please send the link to:

Here’s an excerpt from the prologue:

My introduction to global hunger occurred as a young meat-and-taters Kansas country-boy sitting at the kitchen table in a drafty old farmhouse. Mom slopped a glob of spinach on my plate and my heart sank. Not even the dog at my feet, which would proudly eat the vilest of carrion, would touch the dark green mass. I didn’t care how much Popeye liked spinach; the mere smell of it caused me to gag.

My Mom gave me the typical guilt-trip associated with hunger:  “There are starving children in Africa who would love to have this for dinner.”  I wanted to ask her for their names and mailing address. However, I had lived long enough to choose discretion in the application of sarcasm.

It would be over thirty years before I would make a choice to dedicate my life to fighting global hunger. This book is a collection of stories of people who inspired me to make that choice. Some are illiterate children and old ladies. Some are Nobel Peace Prize nominees.  All are my friends.

I hope their stories inspire you to join the fight.  I know you care about hungry people; you just might not know what to do about it. Let my friends show you how.

Please pass this on to as many friends as you can!  And if you don’t regularly follow my blog, please sign up. You will receive 2 to 3 blogs a week on topics such as leadership, creativity, faith and life, and hunger bites.  I promise not to spam you or share your name with anyone else. And I make it very easy to opt out at any time, not questions asked and no guilt given.

I hope you enjoy the book. Again, please give me a review on Amazon when you’re finished!