Pointing Out Acts of Integrity – Calling People Forth, Part 2
I would rather call people forth than call them out and recently had an opportunity to do so with a young man serving me a glass of wine. I'll set the stage first. I took my wife to watch, "Where the Crawdads Sing," for our anniversary to a movie theater...

Falling Upward – Book Review
I have a small bookshelf designated for books that have changed my worldview; they are like small monuments that mark moments in my history that define who I am and how I think. They are books that, if you were to look at the titles, you would say, “Oh, that’s why...

Calling People Forth Rather Than Calling Them Out
Society seems quick to call people out, but what about calling people forth? Calling people out is all negative and says, “I think what you’re doing is wrong and I’m going to put a bullseye on you so people can start shooting at you; me first.” Calling people forth is...

Aligning Yourself With People Who Have Heart
Who is the most compassionate, loving, positive, intuitive and joyful person you know? After spending a few minutes around them, do you find yourself wanting to be like them because of the way they make you feel? That is a person with heart; that is Kathy Hamilton...

The Unenviable Truth About Leadership: Be Ready to Fight – Lesson 7
If you want to be a leader, be ready for a fight. You will be attacked. The hardest lesson I ever learned about leadership was that when you are elevated to a position of authority, you have a new bulls-eye on your back. Don't believe me? Ask the person who recently...

Good Leaders Inspire Others to Improve Themselves: Leadership Lesson #6
Coach Bill Snyder – Kansas State University’s legendary football coach – inherited a zero-and-twelve football team in the early ‘90’s and, three years later, they were ten-and-two. He retired once and the team spiraled downhill so they brought him back. The Wildcats...

Keeping the Monkeys Where They Belong: Leadership Lesson Part 5
"If you're a leader, imagine that most people who come to you have a monkey on their back and they want it to jump down, run across the desk and climb on your back and stay there," my friend said. "If you're not careful, soon you'll have everyones monkeys on your back...

Leading From the Back Pew: Leadership Lesson Part 4
If you want to cause someone to lose their religion in church, take the seat of a little old lady who has been sitting in the same pew since Noah beached the ark. If you didn’t need salvation before you sat down, you will afterwards. In my early days as a minister, I...
The 5 C’s of Decision Making; Leadership Series Part 3
Leading a group to a unified decision is like covering a fat little pig in grease and turning it loose for children catch; they’re hard to grab and squeal like their being tortured. Take Congress for example... What are the most effective methods of making good...
The Only Person Who Welcomes Change is a Wet Baby: Leadership Series, Part 2
"It is easier to introduce a fourth person into the holy Trinity than it is to change the color of the carpet in the foyer." - Karl Beck "Just remember this important lesson," the leadership expert said. "When you return from this conference the people you work with...