It’s not what you hold in your hand that makes a good photograph; it’s what you hold in your heart.

Dancing Queen

Dancing Queen

I often grab my camera with one thought: there is something beautiful waiting to pose for me so I can show it off to the world. The best images I capture begin with this idea: I anticipate beauty.

Fortunately, one of my favorite places on earth to discover beauty is in my backyard; the Flint Hills of Kansas. If you think Kansas is boring then you need to join me on a hike through the Flint Hills and let her forever change your mind. She will seduce you with her charm.

I recently loaded up my cameras and headed to the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve snuggled in the middle of the Flint Hills. As I began a leisurely stroll down one of their many hiking trails, I was reminded of the power of anticipating beauty in nature. Not far in the journey, I saw this beauty dancing without music.

Along the journey that day, I discovered a few others.

The Easy Chair

The Easy Chair


Sycamore Sky


Alone. Strong.

Alone. Strong.





Wonderful things happen when we anticipate beauty in nature, in people, in families, in our jobs, and in our selves.

  • Our overall attitude towards life will be better.
  • People will enjoy our company much more.
  • We will find the solutions to problems.
  • We will enjoy the hidden treasures that others pass by.
  • We will make the world a much better place in which to live.

St. Thomas Aquinas defined beauty as something that, once seen, pleases the eye.

[Tweet “May this day be the day when you discover beauty you’ve never seen before.”]


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